Yessssssssss, I did prepare a Mueller Hinton agar media plate with Josh. It was very cool and satisfying to see. I started by taking out 16g of the agar which was half of what was written on the bottle and mix it up with half a litter of  purified water. I used the cylinder to measure the preciseness of my water. When the whole preparation is done, I put the whole thing on a hot burning plate as it seems in the picture above. We heat it up for a minute and then let it cool down for while before we put it in the centrifuge where it was kept for 46 minutes. Then I put the agar on the plates, and put them away to dry.

I am also trying to grow E.coli, so I went through that process as well. E.coli grows very fast, so I have to go in tomorrow, and plate them on the media plate. I am excited to see the results. 

I was happy to go through this process because I have always wanted to make media plates, and just go through that process. It was amazing to get to do finally. I feel like I am falling in love with conducting researches lol. 


  1. Peniella,
    This sounds awesome. I agree with you, I am definitely falling in love with the scientific method and getting to apply it to my interests. I think we are both having such a great time with it because we are both so passionate about our subject matter and potential fields. I remember e-coli also growing really fast! What days are you in the Bio-sciences department? Stay excited, I need to come check out what you are doing!

    Alex S


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