Week 8: Happy Spring Break!

     Spring break is finally here. I am not going to lie, but I was looking forward to it even though I already had a tone of things to do this week. I met Maya at a Phi Theta Kappa event on Friday and had to be there on Saturday long as well. It is there we found out we are both in this program lol. We always comment on each other but had not met in person until then.

Anyways, I had two midterms this Monday from Math and one extra credit, and I passed them both thankfully. I then rested on Tuesday and did some self-care on Wednesday (So my spring break was well-spent lol even though I am paying for it now). I have been applying for scholarships since I am transferring soon and conducting successful experiments at ASU after many weeks of being stuck. 

Lastly, I am studying for organic Chemistry lab midterm I have on Tuesday on top of the writing and math work to stay ahead of the game a bit (So that I can avoid being overwhelmed soon). HAPPY SPRING BREAK EVERYBODY!


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